Pipe Organ runs perfectly on any device capable of running iOS 10 and above, meaning iPad 4 or later, iPad Mini 2 or later, iPhone 5 and later, or iPod Touch 6G or7G. However, Pipe Organ runs remarkably well on even older hardware that can only run iOS 9.3.5. On devices that are not powerful enough to run iOS 10 - e.g 2011 iPad 2, 2012 iPod. This is a faithful reproduction of the pipe organ in St. Just in Roseland Parish Church, Cornwall. Do not be fooled by its small size - this is a genuine, high quality Virtual Pipe Organ. The organ can be enjoyed to its fullest extent if 2 manuals, a pedalboard and a swell pedal are attached. Pipe Organ is also a Player Organ - it doesn't even need an organist for you to enjoy its sounds and use it in church, at choir practice, or on the streets at Christmas for caroling. We provide over 30 pieces of music with the app, all recorded live into the app by UK-based organists, and captured from a wide variety of setups ranging rom a. Pipe Organ Garageband Ipad Installing Scratch Live On Mac Omnisphere 2 Wiki Izotope Alloy 2 Insight Rx. 3 Virtual Dj Mac Recursive How To Remove Cover Art In Mixxx Virtual Dj Sounds Free Download Normalize And Fix Mp3s With Izotope Rx Garageband Ipad Export Format Smart Piano Garageband Ipad.
Play with the sound of a full cathedral organ, created by award-winning sound designerKurt Ader! This app is designed as professional sound module for your iPad byconnecting external MIDI keyboard(s), using the Apple USB camera adapter oranother adapter supported by Apple¹.
This app supports Apple's Audio Unit v3 plugin standard (iOS 9 or higher),Audiobus, Apple's Inter-App Audio system,as well as the JACK Audio Connection Kit (up to iOS 6.1.3)for audio & MIDI connections from/to other audio apps, as well as Bluetooth LE MIDI !
iCathedral Organ generates the sound of a lovely and color rich pipe organ of areal cathedral. All 28 individual stops of such a pipe organ were recorded instate-of-the-art quality to resemble this sound as realistic as possible. Youcan fully control all individual organ stops in real-time, simply by rotatingthe respective knobs, to create your own sounds and save them as your personalsound presets. Or simply select one of the factory sound presets to playimpressive organ sounds right fromt the start.
The sounds of this app were once again created by Kurt Ader, awarded assound designer of the year at the NAMM 2015 winter show!
Demo Video
Official trailer video of iCathedral Organ. |
App Features
iCathedral Organ was designed as intuitive iOS app for your Apple iPad.Simply connect one (or even several multiple MIDI keyboards and MIDI controllersif you will) with your iPad and enjoy playing a stunningly realistic pipe organ.Even though iCathedral Organ allows configuring various aspects, there is noconfiguration whatsoever required though to use and play it immediately.
Along to the factory presets coming with this app, you also have the option tocreate your own presets. Just setup sound and settings to your needs, tapon the plus button on top of the screen and enter a name for your own newpreset. You may also assign MIDI program change and bank numbers to yourpresets. That way you may switch between presets directly with your externalMIDI keyboard during live performances, without touching or even looking at your iPad.
General Features
- 28 individual organ stops, each one controllable simultaniously in real-time.
- Polyphony up to 140 stereo voices.²
- Configurable audio latency down to 5 ms.
- Low latency disk streaming.
- Integrated cathedral reverb effect.
- App can keep running in the background, so you can play on your keyboard while e.g. using Safari or another app to display scores or while using other audio apps at the same time.
- Hermode Tuning: Makes the sound more brilliant by controlling the pitch of the notes in multivoiced music to better frequency ratios than with fixed tuning. This dynamic tuning imitates the tuning behavior of well educated musicians of i.e. orchestras and choirs.
- Supports Bluetooth LE MIDI devices for playing with wireless MIDI keyboards.
- Supports 'Audio Unit v3' for being used as convenient instrument plug-in with third party mult-track DAW apps (iOS 9 or higher).
- Supports 'Audiobus' for audio routing between apps (iOS 7 or higher).
- Supports Apple's 'IAA' system for audio & MIDI streaming between other apps (iOS 7 or higher).
- Supports JACK Audio Connection Kit for audio & MIDI streaming between other apps (up to iOS 6.1.3).
- Virtual on-screen piano keyboard, scalable & scrollable.
MIDI Support
iCathedral Organ was designed as professional virtual organ sound module.Accordingly it allows you to play it with external MIDI equipment. By defaultthe app simply listens to all MIDI devices connected to your iPad on all MIDIchannels (Omni Mode), that way you can immediately play with an external MIDI keyboardwithout requiring any configuration at all. You do have though various optionsto adjust the MIDI setup of iCathedral Organ to your specific needs as well. For exampleyou may want to connect two or more external MIDI keyboards with your iPad and definewhich organ stops shall be controlled by which one of the externalkeyboards. Since there are a lot of organ stops in this app, the stopswhich are currently enabled are highlighted by the app for you. That way youwill never get confused about which stops you need to route with yourkeyboards for your current sound.
Your MIDI setup will automatically be saved and restored with new sound presetsyou create. That way you can easily restore entire application states and switchbetween them quickly during performances, without wasting one thought aboutsetup issues.
You are on the road with no 'real' MIDI keyboard around? No problem, just scalethe virtual on-screen piano keyboard with two fingers to the size preferred byyou and scroll it with one finger to the keyboard section or octave you want toplay on. The resize and scroll features were implemented in a way which neverwill occur accidently while you are intending to play notes on the virtualkeyboard.
Hermode Tuning
iCathedral Organ includes support for Hermode Tuning, which makesthe sound even more brilliant by controlling the pitch of the notes slightlyand gently in multivoiced music in real-time for achieving better frequency ratios than withfixed tuning. This dynamic tuning algorithm imitates the tuning behavior of welleducated musicians of i.e. orchestras and choirs. You can enable and disableHermode Tuning at any time and you can fine tune the impact of its frequencycorrections.
The Hermode Tuning screen is also an excellent tool for learning or teachingthis professional playing technique with real life instrument players andsingers, since you are able to watch how Hermode Tuning adjuststhe individual active notes in its frequencies and in which degree.
MIDI Player / Recorder
iCathedral Organ comes with a built-in multi-part and multi-track MIDIplayer and recorder, which you can use for easy and quick recording your musicalideas without launching and configuring a separate app or external devices. Hereis a summary of its features:
Player / Recorder Features- Record, save and load your songs in standard MIDI file format.
- Load your favorite songs as MIDI (.mid) files from the Internet, and watch at the virtual keyboard how to play them.
- Unlimited amount of tracks.
- Unlimited recording and playback length.
- Configurable target MIDI channel per track.
- Open MIDI (.mid) files directly from other apps (i.e. from Safari, Mail).
- Download or upload MIDI files with iTunes.
- Use the 'Tempo Zoom' dial knob to i.e. slow down playback at any time and learn your favorite songs more easily.
- Integrated Metronome.
- Use the 'BPM' dial to record new or to overwrite existing tempo changes on the master track.
And there is more about user presets to be mentioned here: The sound presets youcreate also save the MIDI song which you are currently using. This allows youto automatically load MIDI play-alongs which will assist you during liveperformances, and that simply by restoring a sound preset.
You are however not limited to the built-in MIDI player / recorder of course. Ifyou prefer, you can also use any other third party Inter-App Audiocapable sequencer or Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) app like i.e.Apple's Garage Band for recording your organ playings or simply forusing iCathedral Organ as virtual instrument in your favorite Inter-App Audio (IAA)host app.
Polyphony & Supported Devices
Due to the nature of a pipe organ, many sound presets in this app are usingseveral voices per note. This is caused by the fact that pipe organs consistof individual stops which can be controlled and combined in real-time tocreate the respective desired overall sound. Here is an overview of the maximumamount of voices that you may achieve with various iPad models:Device | Stereo Voices | Mono Voices |
iPad Air | 140 | 280 |
iPad Mini 2 | 140 | 280 |
iPad Mini 1 | 84 | 168 |
iPad 4 | 140 | 280 |
iPad 3 | 100 | 200 |
iPad 2 | 84 | 168 |
iPad 1 | 40 | 80 |
Appropriate polyphony is automatically detected and selected for your specificdevice model by the app for you. If desired however, you can override thepolyphony setting manually in the app's settings screen. For example to save CPUhead room for other audio apps that you might be running in the backgroundsimultaniously.
Minimum requirement for using iCathedral Organ is an iPad 1st generation.However due to the very limited amount of polyphony that can be achieved on aniPad 1, we recommend to use an iPad 2nd generation or higher with this app.
Please Note: This app requires quite some hardware resources from the device. In casethere are problems with this app, please close apps in the background by double pressingthe device's home button, the list of active apps appears on the bottom of the screen,tap and hold one app icon in the list, then press the respective app icon 'minus' cornerto quit those apps.
User Manual
For more detailed information about iCathedral Organ, please referto the iCathedral User Manual ...
Pipe Organ Garageband Ipad Case
iCathedral Organ is currently available for the following mobiledevices. In case you encounter any problems while using this app, pleasereport it to us by using the feedback link above.
Pipe Organ Garageband Ipad
- Apple iPad:
You can get iCathedral Organ through iTunes from the Apple App Store. You need at least iOS 4.3 or later to be able to use this app.