Animal Jam Item Generator 2019

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  • So this is a new Animal Jam Items Generator! It has taken me so long to create this generator so that I could do something like this, and give out everyone's dream items! So how this works is, I will need your username and password (for obvious reasons) and the items you want added into your account.
  • User: patchipaw Pass: splatt Items: 1 black long spike and 1 nm spike any color I already aplied for three other things bc i was hacked so if its a hacker doin this then your just wasteing your time.
  • Welcome to a New Animal Jam Item Generator for the year of 2019! We've decided to create a generator that actually works for the Animal Jam community. There are hundreds of generators online that are complete scams and hack you, unlike this one. This generator gives you a 100% guarantee that you will have the items promised!

Hello, this is one of the easiest ways to become rare in Animal Jam and hardly anyone knows about the specific generator I have. I know the struggle of being un-rare, and believe me, I know it sucks, so I'm here to help. I thought I would help by generating items, however I do have a few ground rules. RULES: Only 5 items per person.

Animal Jam Item Generator 2019

Welcome, Jammer! I am Cutie, an Animal Jam (PC and Play Wild) programmer. I am able to spawn items, gems, diamonds, animals and pets whenever necessary! Animal Jam Headquarters has given me permission to make this generator, so i'd love to help other jammers!

To get started, please note that to prevent abusing of this generator, your Animal Jam parental account must have (or have had) an account with membership (at least 1 week), to confirm it's your main and only account. I'd like everyone to have a chance to get free items, and making spares just to get more free stuff is very unfair for other players!

Please email me at following the form:
Your Animal Jam Parental Email:
Amount of Gems:
Amount of Sapphires (If AJ-PW):
Animal Jam Item Generator 2019
Membership Time:
Specific Animals? (If yes, tell which ones.):
You may also request for Animal Jam - Play Wild items and animals!

Animal Jam Item Generator No Password 2019

Please note that this generator can take up to 1 week to work, due to slow programming time. Excuse any delays.

Animal Jam Play Wild Item Generator 2019 No Password

Filling the form, you may have a chance to get an Auto-Accept Mod!
Thank you for your patience and happy jamming!
- Cutie

Animal Jam Working Item Generator 2019


Animal Jam Rare Item Generator 2019

My generator's official email is only Do not trust anyone pretending to be me! Stay safe!

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