- AGENT ACQUSITION AND EMPLOYMENT-This manual details locating, approaching, securing and deploying an intelligence agent. Contrary to popular belief, an agent is not a member of an intelligence service, but rather a paid employee/informant with access to organizations, information or personnel of intelligence interest.
Espionage Tradecraft Classification: TRAINING SECRET (JC-1) - BASIC ASSOCIATION ANALYSISFOR INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS-Intelligence analysts use various tools to identify and illustrate apparent links between organizations and persons of interest. All intelligence operators are required to include association analysis charts and graphs in their reports. This manual takes the reader through the logical process of association analysis.
Espionage Tradecraft Classification: TRAINING SECRET (JC-2) - INTELLIGENCE FUNDAMENTAL-An excellent primer on intelligence concepts. This manual is part of the induction package for all new Espionage Tradecraft operators. Brief, but succinct and to the point.
Espionage Tradecraft Classification: RESTRICTED (JC-9) - COVERT METHODS OF ENTRY REFERENCE – INTRODUCTION TO KEY CASTING-This manual takes the reader through the process of duplicating a stolen key for later exploitation of target premises. The manual instructs the reader how to use standard equipment used by intelligence agencies worldwide to make a hasty duplicate of any key.
Espionage Tradecraft Classification: UNCLASS (JC-3) - COVERT METHODS OF ENTRY REFERENCE – SECURITY EQUIPMENT GUIDE-Details the various types of locks, safes and access control systems used in government and industry today.
Espionage Tradecraft Classification: UNCLASS (JC-13) - COUNTER/ANTISURVEILLANCE PROTOCOLS-Written from the perspective of the “Rabbit”, this manual shows bulletproof methods of dealing with hostile surveillance. This may be the definitive text on the subject.
Espionage Tradecraft Classification: TRAINING SECRET (JC-5) - COVERT METHODS OF ENTRY REFERENCE – PERIMETER SECURITY SENSOR TECHNOLOGY-This manual details types of alarm systems used in government, business and other areas. The manual covers characteristics, holistic system approaches, false alarm rates and defeat principles. This manual was developed as a training aid for government intelligence personnel conducting CME (Covert Method of Entry) 'Burglary and Buggery' operations.
Espionage Tradecraft Classification: TRAINING PROTECTED (JC-4)
CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Intelligence Tradecraft P - Z. 'The Spies Who Are Really Out in the Cold.' Washington Post National Weekly Edition, 22-28 Jan. 'One of the most sensitive debates in the U.S. Intelligence community is whether to step up the overseas use of NOCs 'nonofficial cover' officers, not only by the CIA but also by the Pentagon's Defense.
Cia Tradecraft Manual
Cia Tradecraft Manuals
Cia Tradecraft Manual Pdf
- Essential Tradecraft For Intelligence Analysts is a Complete Introduction to the Intelligence Cycle. This 100-page ebook will take anyone (you, your team, even police officers) through the basics of understanding intelligence, and show you the exact techniques to become better analysts.
- Cia Tradecraft Manual INTRODUCTION Read CIA TRADECRAFT MANUAL PDF direct on your iPhone, iPad, android, or PC. PDF File: Cia Tradecraft Manual - PDF-CTM7-9 Download full version PDF for Cia Tradecraft Manual using the link below: € Download: CIA TRADECRAFT MANUAL PDF The writers of Cia Tradecraft Manual have made all reasonable attempts to.